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VIRTUE Drums™ builds custom, handcrafted drums in Jackson, Michigan, a historically significant manufacturing hub within the United States. We seek to create world-class instruments that hold timeless value, while still remaining attainable by working-class musicians.
The through-line of our endeavor is cultivating excellence. It begins with our personal conduct, carries through our business practices, including customer & trade relationships, material choices, attention to detail, community impact & environmental decisions, and is fully on display in the quality drums that we build. We believe goodness is possible and we are dedicated to bringing it to life in every way.
With our drum designs we choose to embrace the virtues that are available in a variety of drum shell types, rather than pursuing a singular option. This allows us to design & help select drums that are the optimal fit for your personal needs rather than imposing a particular design.
To accomplish this, we've made a deliberate decision to partner with artisans that have decades of drum-building experience so that we can achieve optimal results every time. Quality is at the forefront of our minds and we feel this is the best way to deliver the value our customers deserve while honoring the individuals in our industry that continue to diligently do great work.
Rather than develop a secondary "budget" line of drums, which would inherently require compromise on quality and run the risk of misusing our environmental resources, we choose to find value in instruments that already exist. If your finances require something more cost-effective, we would be delighted to help reveal the virtue in drums that you already own via repairs or design modifications.
It is our sincere hope that our work inspires you to pursue goodness in your life and create beautiful music!
Jeff Stutzman (Owner/Designer/Principal Craftsman) started VIRTUE Drums™ in 2017 with a vision to develop a drum company driven by excellence and integrity. He is an active drummer of more than two decades, with education and professional experience in sound engineering and music production. This background compels Jeff to prioritize the sonic characteristics of an instrument and never overlook practical features that are significant to the performer.
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